Sunday, October 25

We're having a baby girl!

Aaron and I are having a baby girl due March 7. We're so excited! This is my attempt at showing my belly at 4 1/2 months--hardly anything there! But the baby is healthy, growing and kicking like crazy. Aaron can even feel her. We're loving our life in South Africa and can't wait to bring home our African baby!

Monday, July 27

I'm going to try and get some of the pictures from the AMAZING reunion we just had. Sorry if they happen to favor my kids.

Wednesday, April 29

Here are few missionary pics from Luke. He is doing great and we are so pleased with him.

Congratulations to Lucy and Amanda and Dave and Dennis for their new baby boys. I am sure our family and the world will be blessed by their comming into the world.


Tuesday, April 28

Kat had a baby! It's a boy...

We had a healthy baby boy this morning. All went well and there are the correct number of appendages and digits. He weighed in at 8.5 lbs. Not sure about the name yet, but Jeffrey seems to be the favorite.


Update: 4/28/09 10:07pm

  • Jeffrey Val Facer
  • 8.5 lbs
  • 20 inches
  • Fat
  • Happy
  • Cute

Thanks for all the congratulations and well wishes. We appreciate the love and support of all.

  • Mom and Baby will be home soon.

Wednesday, April 1

So this is what I missed with Eli and now I love having another so close that I can get her to do this. When she says love you, what she does is blow kisses. But now she only says, "Maa." Sorry it's so fuzzy. That's what happens when she won't let me get closer and the camera doesn't have the best focus.


Wednesday, March 25

Beaver trying to talk to the wolf spider who wanted into his tent on a little backpacking trip Bev went on last weekend.

For those who are reading Scott's e-mails from Italy you know how well he is serving the Lord. It is good to see the Happy Missionary.

Monday, February 23

Mindy thinking it would be nice for Steve to have a little sister??? probably not, but grandchildren another matter.
Happy 43 and one half Birthday Dear

The California Facers, Mom and Dad, Becky and Oli Celebrated Lucy and Burnett's B-Day. Other than when Mark was talking, a very nice time.