Tuesday, November 25

Leslie's Finally a Blogger

Okay, so I finally figured it out (with a little help from D Facer). Now I can really feel a part of it.

Here is a picture of Shahn, Zoe, Megan, and Leslie at Sundance last winter. (Boy, I sure love living in Utah. What spectacular scenery.) David, Nile, and Sam opted not to ski with us that day.


aaron and meg facer said...

Some of my fondest memories are skiing with Piper and Megan, Skee, and my brothers Jon and Ryan. We dominated the Chickadee lift at Snowbird.

megan nice said...

we sure did!!

Matt and Piper said...

You know, now that I'm in the valley of the sun, I'm not so into skiing anymore. Of course I loved when we did go, but now snow is too cold.